Tour & Smile

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Every person is individual and will require a treatment plan tailored to their specific needs. As a general thing you can expect to receive implants, immediate loading abutments and temporary crowns on the day of your surgery. If bone grafting is needed to support implants below your sinus cavity then we will not be able to provide these implants with crowns right away. The bone will need time to heal and bond to the implant to provide the support needed to bear the pressure of chewing. You can expect to leave our clinic on the day of surgery with functional, good looking temporary teeth that will tide you over until your implants are ready for permanent crowns to be attached.

1. Before We Begin

You must have enough bone to support the implant. An xray will enable your doctor in Israel to give a preliminary opinion, but to be sure, and to plan the placement of the implant, a CT scan will also be done.


2. Bone Grafting

Bone loss begins soon after a tooth is removed and in the case of upper molars progresses rapidly such that in less than a year a bone graft will likely be needed. If your upper jaw lacks bone depth in the sinus area then surgery will be required.


3. Immediate Loading

Where sufficient bone is present, implants can be placed that are able to immediately bear the load of careful use on purpose made abutments (posts) that support temporary crowns. This process is called 'immediate loading'.


4. Permanent Crowns

The implants will be ready to receive permanent crowns about 4-6 months after they are first placed in your jaw. At this time impressions are taken for making the permanent crowns.


5. Aftercare

You will need to take care of your new teeth just like natural teeth. You will need to floss and clean them regularly, and they should periodically be professionally cleaned and inspected. Though artificial teeth will not develop cavities, it is important to ensure that plaque is removed with care and that your gum tissue remains healthy where it joins the implants and crowns.

Full Mouth Restoration

When restoring a full jaw, or full mouth (both jaws), the bridgework of crowns for each jaw can be supported on fewer than 16 implants. However, for long term success and patient comfort it is essential to have an adequate number of implants.